Skin Diseases Treatment in Ayurveda for Skin diseases, Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis, allergic skin diseases
Skin diseases apart from the physical discomfort causes loss of confidence and self-esteem. It compromises the quality of our lives, affects careers, hobbies, restricts freedom of social interactions and even our personal lives. Ointments work short term but skin diseases generally re-occur. Finally steroids are resorted to, causing further complications. Are you willing to look at a fundamental solution for getting back your ‘quality of life’? Then you should consider Ayurveda and Marmayogi for the fundamental solution.
There are three main reasons why patients from 25+ countries swear by Marmmayogi. But before that we're sure you would like to know how Ayurveda can treat your skin disease and give you a higher 'quality of life'.
SKIN DISEASES (general):
Symptoms and reasons: Skin eruptions of various kinds. Caused by infection, infection, metabolic disorders, allergies, genetics or as an auto immune disease. Psychological stress can upset metabolism and is hence a major reason.
Ayurveda assessment: Improper metabolism is considered to be the main cause in Ayurveda. Hence improper food, lifestyle, stress or anything that upsets the metabolism is the primary cause for skin diseases. With improper metabolism the body is less capable to fight off infections, allergies and other external factors. Toxin build-up in the peripheral tissues come out as eruptions because skin is an excretory organ. In short, bad metabolism, improper elimination of waste and toxin build up are the main reasons while external factors multiply the impact.
Ayurveda treatment: Toxins from peripheral tissues are burnt using special processes (aama pachanam), which include pouring medicated oils or powders. Improving the metabolic fire (digestive as well in various organs) starts with loosening of the deep-rooted toxins. Medicated ghee or oil helps in this process. These toxins are brought to the digestive tract by various external therapies and eliminated by purgation or induced vomiting. In the final stage strengthening and rejuvenation of the tissues using medicines (rasayana), food and special therapies**. Pranayama is effective for elimination of toxins as well as rejuvenation. Once the metabolism become healthy the impact of the external factors are minimised. Good food, lifestyle, yoga, pranayama, meditation, reduced stress etc. have to be continued after discharge too.
**Marma Ayurveda (practiced at Marmmayogi) which is a specialised branch of Ayurveda prescribes effective therapies for skin problems. (Know more about Marma Ayurveda and how it accelerates the healing process.)
PSORIASIS: Auto immune inflammatory skin diseases.
Symptoms and reasons: Scaly silvery patches, itchy and painful. It is auto immune disease which is enhanced by metabolic disorders. Psychological stress can upset metabolism and is hence a major reason.
Ayurveda assessment: Improper metabolism is considered to be the main cause in Ayurveda which leads to aggravation of the auto immune factor. Hence improper food, lifestyle, stress or anything that upsets the metabolism is the primary cause for skin diseases. With improper metabolism the body’s immune system goes haywire and auto immune diseases start. Toxin build-up in the peripheral tissues come out as eruptions because skin is an excretory organ. In short, bad metabolism, improper elimination of waste and toxin build up are the main reasons while external factors multiply the impact.
Ayurveda treatment: Toxins from peripheral tissues are burnt using special processes (aama pachanam), which include powder massages, pouring medicated oils or decoctions. Improving the metabolic fire (digestive as well in various organs) starts with loosening of the deep-rooted toxins. Medicated ghee or oil helps in this process. These toxins are brought to the digestive tract by various external therapies and eliminated by purgation or induced vomiting. In the final stage strengthening and rejuvenation of the tissues using medicines (rasayana), food and special therapies**. Pranayama is effective for elimination of toxins as well as rejuvenation. Once the metabolism become healthy the impact of the external factors are minimised. Good foo, lifestyle, yoga, pranayama, meditation, reduced stress etc. have to be continued after discharge too.
**Marma Ayurveda (practiced at Marmmayogi) which is a specialised branch of Ayurveda prescribes effective therapies for skin problems. (Know more about Marma Ayurveda and how it accelerates the healing process.)
EZCEMA: Skin eruptions caused by allergens, infections or chemicals.
Symptoms and reasons: Dry itchy patches, painful. Usually seen in the joints, but can spread to the rest of the body. It is caused by allergens, chemicals (soap, clothes etc.) and all these causes are enhanced by metabolic disorders. Psychological stress can upset metabolism and is hence a major reason.
Ayurveda assessment: Improper metabolism is considered to be the main cause in Ayurveda which leads to the external agents creating havoc. Hence improper food, lifestyle, stress or anything that upsets the metabolism is the primary cause for skin diseases. With improper metabolism the body’s immune system goes haywire. Toxin build-up in the peripheral tissues come out as eruptions because skin is an excretory organ. In short, bad metabolism, improper elimination of waste and toxin build up are the main reasons while external factors multiply the impact.
Ayurveda treatment: Toxins from peripheral tissues are burnt using special processes (aama pachanam), which include pouring medicated oils or powders. Blood-letting is sometimes used to remove toxic blood from peripheral tissues. Improving the metabolic fire (digestive as well in various organs) starts with loosening of the deep-rooted toxins. Medicated ghee or oil helps in this process. These toxins are brought to the digestive tract by various external therapies and eliminated by purgation or induced vomiting. In the final stage strengthening and rejuvenation of the tissues using medicines (rasayana), food and special therapies**. Pranayama is effective for elimination of toxins as well as rejuvenation. Once the metabolism become healthy the impact of the external factors are minimised. Good food, lifestyle, yoga, pranayama, meditation, reduced stress etc. have to be continued after discharge too.
**Marma Ayurveda (practiced at Marmmayogi) which is a specialised branch of Ayurveda prescribes effective therapies for skin problems. (Know more about Marma Ayurveda and how it accelerates the healing process.)
Now the 3 reasons why patients from 25+ countries trust us.
Reason one: Marma Ayurveda
Like most Ayurveda hospitals we also do the the oil baths, massages and heat packs. What differentiates us is that, we also add-on a specialized branch of Kerala Ayurveda called Marma Ayurveda.
What is Marma Ayurveda? It is common knowledge that healing is much faster when the mind energy supports the treatment on the physical body. The mind-body is connected by energy channels which get blocked or weakened due to the disease. By cleaning and strengthening these channels through Marma Ayurveda, the mind energy flows freely towards the diseased parts. At Marmmayogi, Marma Ayurveda is done along with the Ayurveda treatments, making the massages and therapies far more effective. With Marma Yoga and Marma Meditation, the additional focus on mind-body channels is complete. All this makes the healing process faster. (KNOW MORE ABOUT MARMA AYURVEDA)
Reason two: Personalised attention and treatment
While the common Ayurveda treatments (massages and oil baths) are done by trained therapists, Marma therapy needs years of practice. The chief physician Dr. Manoj, who comes with a family tradition of 250 years, has been personally trained by his grandfather. Dr. Manoj has to do it personally on each patient. Since there is a limit to the number of patients Dr. Manoj can personally attend, we are a small hospital with limited number of rooms. With the doctor and his family staying on the premises, our patients are also pleasantly surprised with the family atmosphere and personalized attention.
Marma Therapy
Marma Therapy by the Doctor
While Traditional Kerala Ayurveda Therapy is done by Therapists, the Marma Therapy is done by Dr Manoj specific to the health issue.
Reason three: Special proprietary medicines
With a family tradition of 250 years, many highly effective medicines have been handed down over generations. These medicines are not available outside. Fresh herbs collected from the herbal garden are used very frequently in the treatments. All this makes the process far more effective.