Back or Neck Pain Treatment in Ayurveda for Disc Prolapse, Spondylosis/Spondylitis, Osteoporosis, Sciatica, Stiff Neck
Back pain compromises the quality of our lives, affects careers, hobbies, restricts freedom of social interactions and even our personal lives. It can also cripple us. Surgery can provide a temporary solution to the pain but our movements and flexibility remain restricted. Are you willing to look at a fundamental solution for getting back your ‘quality of life’? Then you should consider Ayurveda and Marmayogi for the fundamental solution.
There are three main reasons why patients from 25+ countries swear by Marmmayogi. But before that we're sure you would like to know how Ayurveda can treat your back/neck pain and give you a higher 'quality of life'.
Symptoms and Reasons for Back or Neck Pain (General): Pain, numbness, inflammation, weakness and stiffness of muscles. People could have some or all of these major symptoms. Generally aggravated due to lifestyle, injury, posture, psychological stress, improper bending or sitting. Could be due to metabolic disorders, or even genetic.
Ayurveda Assessment: Dryness of tissues, joints and fluids. Degeneration of cartilages and bone, improper neurological functions (improper flow of energy through nerves), impaired circulation of blood and lubrication in the joints. Muscles become tight preventing free flow of blood and neuro signals. All this leads to toxin build-up.
Ayurveda intervention: Stage one: Reduce inflammation through heat packs and internal anti-inflammatory medicines. Lot of the toxins get reabsorbed into the blood and gets eliminated through sweat, urine and stools. Stage two: Muscle tightness have to be released and circulation improved. Oil lubrication using hot oils and therapeutic massages does just that. Yoga asanas are effective during this stage. Stage three: Elimination of the accumulated toxins using enema, sweating and purgation. Pranayama is effective at this stage. Stage three: The weakened muscles, ligaments, nerves, joints are strengthened using special medicines and special massages** along with internal medicines. Follow-up stage: For a reasonable period after discharge, the patient has to continue internal medicines, good food, good lifestyle and Yoga. This will help to consolidate the effectiveness of the treatment.
**Marma Ayurveda (practiced at Marmmayogi) which is a specialised branch of Ayurveda prescribes effective massages for spinal problems. (Know more about Marma Ayurveda and how it accelerates the healing process)
DISC PROPLAPSE: The disc between the vertebrae protrudes and compresses nerve roots. in worse case the disc can burst causing loss of fluids.
Symptoms and Reasons for Disc prolapse: Pain, numbness, weakness and stiffness of muscles, inflammation and swelling. People could have some or all of these major symptoms. Generally aggravated due to lifestyle, injury, posture, psychological stress, improper bending and sitting.
Ayurveda Assessment: The disc fluid becomes dry. The disc fibres lose elasticity and becomes stiff. The ligaments become dry (mentioned in texts as similar to dry twig). The disc protrudes onto the spinal nerves causing pain and inflammation. Tightened muscles and ligaments prevent free flow of blood and neuro signals. Energy channels get blocked. All this leads to toxin build-up.
Ayurveda intervention: The purpose is to ensure proper positioning of the disc (to the extent possible). Increase lubrication in tissues and elasticity of the fibres. In order to hold the disc in position the muscles and ligaments are strengthened.
Stage one: Reduce inflammation through heat packs and internal anti-inflammatory medicines. Lot of the toxins get reabsorbed into the blood and gets eliminated through sweat, urine and stools.
Stage two: Muscle tightness have to be released and circulation improved. Oil lubrication using hot oils and therapeutic massages does just that. Yoga asanas are effective during this stage.
Stage three: Elimination of the accumulated toxins using enema, sweating and purgation. Pranayama is effective at this stage.
Stage four: The weakened muscles, ligaments, nerves, joints are strengthened using special medicines and special massages** along with internal medicines.
Follow-up stage: For a reasonable period after discharge, the patient has to continue internal medicines, good food, good lifestyle and Yoga .This will help to consolidate the effectiveness of the treatment.
**Marma Ayurveda (practiced at Marmmayogi) which is a specialised branch of Ayurveda prescribes effective massages for spinal problems. (Know more about Marma Ayurveda and how it accelerates the healing process)
SPONDYLOSIS: Degeneration of the cartilages and weakening of the ligaments holding the vertebrae in position. Could lead to creation of bony spurs.
Symptoms and Reasons for Spondylosis: Radiating pain, numbness, weakness and stiffness of muscles, inflammation and swelling. People could have some or all of these major symptoms. Aggravated due to increased physical activity and pain reduces when relaxing. Further aggravated due to bad lifestyle, injury, posture, psychological stress, improper bending or sitting. Could be metabolic disorders, or even genetic.
Ayurveda Assessment: Formation of bony spurs (calcination) Bones grind against each other due to cartilage degeneration. The spurs protrude onto the nerves causing pain and inflammation. Tightened muscles and ligaments prevent free flow of blood and neuro signals. Energy channels get blocked. All this leads to toxin build-up.
Ayurveda Treatment: Purpose is to arrest the degeneration of soft tissue and growth of spur. The approach is to remove the toxins and to strengthen the muscles so that it doesn’t deteriorate further. Hence it becomes important to address at the initial stage itself, so that spur formation and degeneration of soft tissue can be reduced. Moreover if the alignment of the joints have been disturbed, it can be brought back to position using specialised Marma Ayurveda massages**.
Stage one: Reduce inflammation through heat packs and internal anti-inflammatory medicines. Lot of the toxins get reabsorbed into the blood and gets eliminated through sweat, urine and stools.
Stage two: Muscle tightness have to be released and circulation improved. Oil lubrication using hot oils and therapeutic massages does just that. Yoga asanas are effective during this stage.
Stage three: Elimination of the accumulated toxins using enema, sweating and purgation. Pranayama is effective at this stage.
Stage four: The weakened muscles, ligaments, nerves, joints are strengthened using special medicines and special massages** along with internal medicines.
Follow-up stage: For a reasonable period after discharge, the patient has to continue internal medicines, good food, good lifestyle and Yoga. This will help to consolidate the effectiveness of the treatment.
**Marma Ayurveda (practiced at Marmmayogi) which is a specialised branch of Ayurveda prescribes effective massages for spinal problems. (Know more about Marma Ayurveda and how it accelerates the healing process)
SPONDYLITIS: It is caused due to the inflammation of the soft tissues in the vertebral joints.
Symptoms and Reasons for Spondylitis: Morning stiffness, pain and numbness due to inflammation of the soft tissues. Person could wake up due to pain and it reduces when he becomes active. Left untreated inflammation leads to calcination and fusing of the vertebrae. Inflammation could spread to other organs like heart, lungs, eyes etc. Generally aggravated due to lifestyle, injury, posture and psychological stress. Improper metabolism is a major factor.
Ayurveda Assessment: Inflammation leads to toxin build-up. Dryness of tissues, fluids leads to stiffness of ligaments and muscles. The tissues get slowly replaced by calcium deposits resulting in fusing of the joints. Blood circulation and neurological functions get impaired due to blockage of energy channels. Improper metabolism is the main cause and cause accumulation of toxins.
Ayurveda Treatment: Focus is to reduce the inflammation by medicated water, powders and to allow the toxins to break down. Once the toxins start to move out of the joints, inflammation reduces. Only then further lubrication and strengthening treatment can be done. Since it is related to metabolism, revival of the ‘metabolic fire’, immuno modulation becomes critical.
Stage one: Reduce inflammation through heat packs and internal anti-inflammatory medicines. Lot of the toxins get reabsorbed into the blood and gets eliminated through sweat, urine and stools.
Stage two: Muscle tightness have to be released and circulation improved. Oil lubrication using hot oils and therapeutic massages does just that. Yoga asanas are effective during this stage.
Stage three: Elimination of the accumulated toxins using enema, sweating and purgation. Pranayama is effective at this stage.
Stage four: The weakened muscles, ligaments, nerves, joints are strengthened using special medicines and special massages** along with internal medicines.
Follow-up stage: For a reasonable period after discharge, the patient has to continue internal medicines, good food, good lifestyle and Yoga . All this will help to rekindle the ‘metabolic fire’.
**Marma Ayurveda (practiced at Marmmayogi) which is a specialised branch of Ayurveda prescribes effective massages for spinal problems. (Know more about Marma Ayurveda and how it accelerates the healing process)
SCIATICA: Irritation of the sciatic nerve (combination of multiple nerves) causing pain in specific region based on the nerve involved.
Symptoms and Reasons for sciatica: Radiating, shooting and constant pain based on the nerve involved, lower back pain, hip pain, numbness, weakness of muscles, stiffness, inflammation and burning sensation. People could have some or all of these major symptoms. Generally aggravated due to lifestyle, injury, posture, psychological stress, improper bending, improper sitting. It can be caused due to the vertebral spur, disc, muscle stiffness , inflammation or narrowing of spinal canal.
Ayurveda Assessment: It can be caused due to the vertebral spur, disc prolapse, muscle stiffness , inflammation or narrowing of spinal canal. Formation of bony spurs (calcination). Bones grind against each other due to cartilage degeneration. The spurs protrude onto the sciatic nerve causing pain and inflammation. Tightened muscles and ligaments prevent free flow of blood and neuro signals. Energy channels get blocked. All this leads to toxin build-up.
Ayurveda Treatment: Purpose is to arrest the degeneration of soft tissue and growth of spur. The approach is to remove the toxins and to strengthen the muscles so that it doesn’t deteriorate further. Hence it becomes important to address at the initial stage itself, so that spur formation and degeneration of soft tissue can be reduced. Moreover if the alignment of the joints have been disturbed, it can be brought back to position using specialised Marma Ayurveda massages**.
Stage one: Reduce inflammation through heat packs and internal anti-inflammatory medicines. Lot of the toxins get reabsorbed into the blood and gets eliminated through sweat, urine and stools. Stage two: Muscle tightness have to be released and circulation improved. Oil lubrication using hot oils and therapeutic massages does just that. Traction and back arch treatments help to reduce the protrusions. Yoga asanas are effective during this stage. Stage three: Elimination of the accumulated toxins using enema, sweating and purgation. Pranayama is effective at this stage. Stage four: The weakened muscles, ligaments, nerves, joints are strengthened using special medicines and special massages** along with internal medicines. Follow-up stage: For a reasonable period after discharge, the patient has to continue internal medicines, good food, good lifestyle and Yoga. This will help to consolidate the effectiveness of the treatment.
**Marma Ayurveda (practiced at Marmmayogi) which is a specialised branch of Ayurveda prescribes effective massages for spinal problems. (Know more about Marma Ayurveda and how it accelerates the healing process)
OSTEOPOROSIS: Degeneration of the bones leading to them becoming porous.
Symptoms and Reasons for Osteoporosis: Back pain, bending of the bones, high possibility of fracture, numbness, weakness of muscles, stiffness and inflammation. Left untreated bones disintegrate or bends leading to hunch-back. People could have some or all of these major symptoms. Generally aggravated due to lifestyle, injury, posture, psychological stress. Impaired metabolism of calcium, obesity, hormone imbalance or even use of steroids.
Ayurveda Assessment: As per Ayurveda, improper metabolism of calcium at various stages of the body is the primary cause. Imbalance between bone formation and re-absorption is also due to metabolism. This can lead to toxin build-up in the various tissues further aggravating metabolic disorders. Further causes are dryness of tissues and improper conversion into nutrients inside stomach. Tightened muscles and ligaments prevent free flow of blood and neuro signals. Energy channels get blocked. All this leads to toxin build-up.
Ayurveda treatment: The focus is to get the bone metabolism back into balance and remove all obstacles that inhibit it. Bone strengthening happens through the various stages and by using special medicines. The soft tissues have to be strengthened to support the bones.
Stage one: Reduce inflammation through heat packs and internal anti-inflammatory medicines. Lot of the toxins get reabsorbed into the blood and gets eliminated through sweat, urine and stools. Stage two: Muscle tightness have to be released and circulation improved. Oil lubrication using hot oils and therapeutic massages does just that. Yoga asanas are effective during this stage. Stage three: Elimination of the accumulated toxins using enema, sweating and purgation. Pranayama is effective at this stage. Stage four: The weakened muscles, ligaments, nerves, joints are strengthened using special medicines and special massages** along with internal medicines. Follow-up stage: For a reasonable period after discharge, the patient has to continue internal medicines, good food, good lifestyle and Yoga . This will help to consolidate the effectiveness of the treatment.
**Marma Ayurveda (practiced at Marmmayogi) which is a specialised branch of Ayurveda prescribes effective massages for spinal problems. (Know more about Marma Ayurveda and how it accelerates the healing process.)
Now the 3 reasons why patients from 25+ countries trust us.
Reason one: Marma Ayurveda
Like most Ayurveda hospitals we also do the the oil baths, massages and heat packs. What differentiates us is that, we also add-on a specialized branch of Kerala Ayurveda called Marma Ayurveda.
What is Marma Ayurveda? It is common knowledge that healing is much faster when the mind energy supports the treatment on the physical body. The mind-body is connected by energy channels which get blocked or weakened due to the disease. By cleaning and strengthening these channels through Marma Ayurveda, the mind energy flows freely towards the diseased parts. At Marmmayogi, Marma Ayurveda is done along with the Ayurveda treatments, making the massages and therapies far more effective. With Marma Yoga and Marma Meditation, the additional focus on mind-body channels is complete. All this makes the healing process faster. (KNOW MORE ABOUT MARMA AYURVEDA)
Reason two: Personalised attention and treatment
While the common Ayurveda treatments (massages and oil baths) are done by trained therapists, Marma therapy needs years of practice. The chief physician Dr. Manoj, who comes with a family tradition of 250 years, has been personally trained by his grandfather. Dr. Manoj has to do it personally on each patient. Since there is a limit to the number of patients Dr. Manoj can personally attend, we are a small hospital with limited number of rooms. With the doctor and his family staying on the premises, our patients are also pleasantly surprised with the family atmosphere and personalized attention.
Marma Therapy
Marma Therapy by the Doctor
While Traditional Kerala Ayurveda Therapy is done by Therapists, the Marma Therapy is done by Dr Manoj specific to the health issue.
Reason three: Special proprietary medicines
With a family tradition of 250 years, many highly effective medicines have been handed down over generations. These medicines are not available outside. Fresh herbs collected from the herbal garden are used very frequently in the treatments. All this makes the process far more effective.